Bishopton Primary School
‘Aim High, Prepare to Achieve’
Watch the daily video and complete the accompanying questions
5/1/2021 Topic
Find out the meaning of key vocabulary and write definitions for words.
6/1/2021 Topic
Find out the dates of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.
Cut and stick the prehistoric timeline with dates.
Add some information to the attached table.
7/1/2021 Science
Read pages 1-8
List different sources of light.
Read pages 9-10
Answer these questions
Why do we need light?
What is darkness?
What is the difference between a natural light source and a man made light source?
8/1/2021 R.E.
Watch the video about the beginnings of Sikhism.
Think of your own commandments or add to those of Guru Nanak.
8/1/21 French
Heads, shoulders, knees and feet
Copy the words from the French word list.
Have a go at the worksheet.