Restorative Practice at Bishopton
At Bishopton, we use ‘Restorative Practice’ to teach our pupils how to solve dilemma and conflict within their daily lives. By using a careful script, we are able to guide our pupils through every step.
- It's a strategy that can be used when conflicts/incidents occur between pupils.
- It's about everyone having a voice, staff and pupils.
- It's a proactive approach – it's what we do and how we do it
Through having restorative conversations our aim is to:
- Make pupils part of the solution - it provides them with skills so that they can move things forward in further situations, if adults aren't around.
- Develops skills in pupils to help them deal with further conflicts.
- Treats pupils with respect, gives them responsibility and skills to sort their own problems themselves.
Questions we ask:
- What happened?
- Who has been affected and how? Everyone will have a perspective, all need to be listened to, this gives pupils an opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings.
- What needs to happen now? Solutions come from all involved, discussion is held with the aim of working together to an agreed solution, as much as possible.