Bishopton Primary School
‘Aim High, Prepare to Achieve’
1/3/21 - Science
L.O: To identify naturally occurring rocks and to group rocks according to their characteristics.
Read the information about natural and man-made rocks (1-7).
Sort the materials into natural and man-made.
Read the information about sorting (9-11).
Sort the rocks in any way, label each group
2/3/21 - History
Linking to the story of The Peddler of Swaffham, you are going to researching the history of London Bridge and produce a PowerPoint or poster illustrating it through history.
Click the link below to view the timeline.
3/3/21 - Art
Consider how artists use warm and cool colours by looking through the slides. Create your own half and half piece using warm tones and cool tones. Use the colour wheel to help you.
Be as creative as you like!
4/3/21 - World Book Day
Make your favourite character using any resources you have at home.
Why not transform a potato or wooden spoon into your favourite book character? Or build your favourite book character using Lego? Looking for a magical way to reuse a shoebox or jam jar? Try making a Harry Potter scene in a box or A Very Hungry Caterpillar in a jar.
5/3/21 - Topic
Find out about animals that inhabit a mountainous area of the world. How do they adapt and survive? Are any of these animals endangered? Why?
Create an information poster or fact file.