Bishopton Primary School
‘Aim High, Prepare to Achieve’
These reports outline how our school is planning to spend the Pupil Premium allocation. They also outline our key principles and reasons for spending the Pupil Premium in the way that we do.
The Pupil Premium Grant:
The Pupil Premium is a funding stream which is additional to main school funding. It was introduced to address the underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals and their peers. It is allocated according to the number of pupils on-roll who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) currently or who have been at any point in the previous six years. A smaller amount of funding is also allocated according to the number of children of service families on-roll and an allocation for each pupil who has been ‘looked after’ (in care) for six months or more.
Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for individual pupils. Our approach and vision for our pupils is to provide the children with access to a variety of enriching experiences as well as focussing upon academic achievement. It may also be appropriate to provide support to nurture their well-being so that those from poorer socio-economic backgrounds do not suffer barriers which hamper their progress and attainment.
Our decisions on how to best use the Pupil Premium Grant are based on the findings of high quality research and publications, eg, The Sutton Trust, as well as OfSTEd’s own ‘best practice’ guides. These have supported our decisions on expenditure over the best and most effective use of our Pupil Premium funding. We are also aware of the unique features of our local environment and how the socio-economic factors can influence child competencies.