Welcome to the Bishopton Primary School website. Bishopton Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, governors, parents and volunteers to share this commitment.
SpellingsThis website will allow you to practise your speelings for your weekly test. First find your year group, then the spelling rule you need to revise.
Oxford OwlOxford Owl provide lots of resources including free 'e' books for parents containing your favourite characters from Oxford Reading Tree.
letter joinLetter-join is our handwriting program we follow as a school. There are lots of activities to support the development of cursive handwriting.
Top marksThe website offers a range of writng activites to help you develop your writing skills.
Fractions, decimals and percentagesMatch the equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. Alternatively, you can choose to convert between just fractions and decimals, or between fractions and percentages or decimals and percentages. Diagrams to show equivalence can be turned on or off.
Rising starsRising Stars are currently offering year group home learning packs with 5 days worth of teaching activities in each.