Bishopton Primary School
‘Aim High, Prepare to Achieve’
At Bishopton Primary School we consider ourselves both an economically and environmentally friendly institution and are constantly looking at ways to reduce our carbon footprint. With this in mind, we are looking at the possibility of moving away from printed newsletters in favour of a digital format.
Our weekly newsletter would continue to be available every Wednesday on our Twitter account (@bishoptonprim), new Facebook page (Bishopton Primary School), our website ( and would be emailed to individuals who provide us with their email address. In addition, a small number of paper copies would be available at the school entrance foyer for those who would prefer a paper copy or those without internet access.
By moving to a digital format, this would help to reduce paper and ink use as well as minimising household waste. Furthermore, the school would benefit from reduced costs that could be better spent on the education of pupils.
We would be interested to hear your views on our proposal and would be grateful if you would complete the following online questionnaire. A paper copy can also be found in the school entrance foyer and links to the form can be found on our Twitter page and website.